Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why I love Escapist Magazine

So many wonderful videos so many wonderful quotes. Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation is full of wit and harsh but valid insight when it comes to games. I love his hilarious commentary though I need to ration my viewings because I catch myself getting cynical after an afternoon's worth. Unskippable is equally funny, taking excessively long game intro cinematic and voicing over them MST3K style. It's fun getting a taste of some games I know I will never play and getting a good laugh too. Loading Ready Run is a series of video shorts that has the two creators of Unskippable and a number of other cast members. Very clever and funny. Their archives have a couple of gems. Rebecca Mayes is another one of my favorites. She is a fantastic musician and song writer. I would listen to her songs even if they weren't game reviews. That's right, they are game reviews. It's wonderful.

I've actually watched and keep up with most of the video series on The Escapist, though the ones I've named above are the only ones that aren't really guilty pleasures. The other series I usually just listen to at work. I don't really 'watch' them. I'm usually a little disappointed when I stop and actually watch them because I tend to like what my imagination plays out rather than the actual video clips or animations show. Just my opinion. They are definitely worth listening to if nothing else.

So that's a brief run down of why I love Escapist I will leave you with a quote from Zero Punctuation that evaluates the three current generation game consoles.

"The Wii is an excitable little yappy bastard. Good with children but a little exhausting. The PS3 is a big dependable black monster. Slow but loving, bringing your slippers in every morning And the 360 is a good old rounder that only occasionally pisses itself and dies."


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