Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Shimmies Says #5

This was all him:

"I'm gonna use the bear to open the coke bottle! Grraaam nom nom!

The trashcan wants some too!"

*throws bottle cap into trash

"It's the circle of the kitchen"

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Shimmies says #4

Waitress- "Here is your Chicken Cannelloni."

"Chicken Pantalones? They're Chicken Pants!"

Friday, October 21, 2011

Crap I hear at work

After the success of Shimmies says, I have been asked to add another segment I would like to call: 

Crap I hear at work

So here is some funny crap I heard at work today : )

 M- "Michael means god like. So I think the middle name of anyone named Michael should be the name of a god."

D- "What is Robert the god of?"

M- "Pancakes."


Angry Mornings

I had a dream this morning that involved a quiz about the movie Animal House and a bunch of appliances. The appliances would not stop beeping. They were refrigerators and microwaves and TVs and other random things. I could not get any of them to stop. People started making beeping noises with their mouths too. I remember at one point getting on my knees and begging them to stop.

Then I woke up and realized it was my alarm.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Shimmies Says #3

"You could write a rap song with all the scientific terms for butt."

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Shimmies says #2

True story:


Jenny- "What happened?!"

"I slid down the stairs."

Jenny- "Why are you wearing a sleeping bag?"

"All my pants are in the wash."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I started a tumblr. Then I realized I don't need a tumblr. I have this blog. I was momentarily lead astray by the ideas of new page design and the like. I already have this page and a deviant art account (actually 2 deviant art accounts). I need to stop making more pages!

So I'm sticking with you Floyd.JPG

I don't need a new shiny type of blog. If this blog starts to get bland than I need to make it better...not give up on it.

With that said I would like to add a new segment to my blog called Shimmies says. Shimmies is my brother. I have had a few coworkers and friends ask him to start his own blog because he  says the most entertainingly random things on a daily basis. He didn't really show a lot on interest in this so I decided I could start taking down some of the random things he says for him.

So now  for Shimmies says:

"I cant draw lightning if I think about it…"
Hey, if you shine a lazer between your eyes your actually ok.” 
 “I thought of two really good puns today…but the only one I can remember is dirty.

I had these few saved up. I will try not to dump a bunch at once in the future. YAY!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I looove the smell of crayons. I don't know if it's because they actually smell good or if it's because they remind me of my childhood. It might be a little of both. WHY DOES COLORED WAX SMELL SO GOOD?

I keep a box on my desk at work...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Rapper and the Onion

This is just one of the many reasons my boyfriend is amazing.

I asked him to draw me a rapper and then an onion and it just grew from there. I can't help laughing out loud when I look at the rapper's baby mama. Note the tinted windows and spinners on the car.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I've noticed a trend in my art. I am most comfortable drawing girls. I guess they are easy for me. I don't need to put myself in any particular shoes I just draw what I'm feeling or thinking or am. I have to go slightly out of my way to draw guys.

...did any one else notice that I just started the last 5 sentences with "I". There was another one on the way, but it was defeated. Bad writing. I'm not an egotist...sorry

Any ways. My art needed some change. I needed to practice my manly art. And this is what came of it. HUZZAH!

Now it's time for bed.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Can't Wait for GW2

I will admit, I've never played Guild Wars. But I have a group of people who are planning to play with me when the new one comes out. So I am excited. I have already decided I am going to play a Norn Warrior. I've been drawing up pictures. This one isn't done but it's the closest I've come to something I'm happy with.

Don't know what her name will be yet.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stuff I drew at Work...

During short breaks of course...

Yuuuuup.... That's me being productive. If your wondering about the strange shapes of some of them it's because I drew them wedged in to the projects I was actually supposed to be working on. :D

I <3 the grumpy owl

Monday, January 17, 2011

Quoting Quotes

How did you get out of there?
Swan dive.
A Swan dive?
It was glorious.
How'd you survive that?
The oysters broke my fall.